Monday, May 16, 2011

Cannes Travel Day 2 May 12??

Word of advice-get the extra leg room -only if it's away from the  bathroom. I had to move my seat down the other end of the plane because of the smell. There were 2 empty seats and I tried curling up in a ball to fall asleep but I couldn't get comfortable. When I got on the plane I felt great! Now I'm dehydrated, in pain and tired. Two more hours to go-I hope.
Before I got on the plane to Zurich, a lady was standing next to me and we struck up a conversation. She spoke Swedish/American. Then, I got on the plane and she is sitting next to me. She tells me her story about her sick dad in Zurich. 8 hours later we get off the plane say farewell and end up on the exact same train? I wish I knew what my karma was with her. I didn't mention my film.

I decided to wonder around Zurich since I have 8 hours to spare. Little did I know it would bucket rain, thunder, and lighting. I had no  umbrella and thin yoga pants on. I had a scarf around my head that made me look like a yenta!
People in Zurich are nice and speak English... I found a cafe back at the train station and I was too wet to wonder further. I'm having a cafe latte. I'm trusting their milk won't make me sick.
 Airport- "Flukhaven"

The tale of 2 lattes and a side of jet lag.
 I felt great when I was walking in the rain in Zurich. I really did. But after I had my 2nd latte, that's when all hell broke loose. I stood up and the floor was moving or my head or the earth. Something was spinning. I only got about 3 hours sleep on the plane, that combined with airplane food and coffee I was done. I headed back to the airport to find a cosy place to sleep. I can't sleep on a plane or in an airport-it's physically impossible.

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