Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cannes Day 7-Screening Day May 17

This morning I rushed to put on a dress and run to the festival. We had to be at the screening at 1:30 but I wanted to leave early and check he train schedule and buy some gifts from the Cannes gift shop. I found 2 over priced t-shirts.

While I was downtown, the pool boy came to the Villa. Gayle struck up a conversation with him and it turns out he's a very good friends with the producer of big time films like Taxi Driver and Gorillas in the Mist. He took our film and said he would show it to him tonight. We're all hopeful but not expecting anything to happen.
I met the rest of the group at the registration area and we were ready to go. Everyone had their invitations so there was no issues today until...

We sat down in the small 30 seat theater and the head of the 48 Hour festival announce that yesterdays screenings there was some glitches with the films so they would show those ones first. Ok no big deal...I hope. They played the first film and the sound was off. The second film played and stopped right in the middle. The next film got all the way to the end and cut off right when the joke of the film was about to play. My heart sank. I didn't even care about our film at this point. I was just so sad for them. Then our film loaded up and I did my Namaste hands. "please please please let it play all the way through" It did! It was the best luck we've had the entire trip. After our film, more films had glitches. This was the Festivals fault. The biggest, best, most prestigious film festival in the world, had technical issues. Delightful!

After the movie and some shmoozing in the hallway, we looked for something to eat. We found a restaurant away from the festival. French tip: if a place is not packed with locals or anyone for that matter, don't eat there. It was "ok". I ordered escargot and salmon. The look on my face tells how the snails were. Salmon wasn't great but it was the only meal in France I didn't like. Afterwards, we met with a few of the 48 hour filmmakers to hear them say how great out film was. That was nice but no one recognized me as the person in the film! We went back to the villa and guess what-we drank some champagne!! Some of the crew tried to play drunk poker. It was hilarious! Probably not for Mike since he doesn't drink. Some funny quotes did come out it though such as:

What does an 80 year old butt smell like? Depends.

Me: Life goes up and down. You need the negative to appreciate the positive-like Yin and Yang
Mike: Yeah, well, I'm getting a little tired of the Yang.

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