Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cannes Day 9 Last day-May 19

Last day at the Villa. Woke up around 10 and made my last poached eggs and toast. I finished packing and left for the bus to Cannes and then the train to Nice. The others were off to explore the South of France and Mike left last night for home. The train was pretty easy and luckily there was a nice gentleman who helped me carry by bags down the stairs. I walked off the train and started hunting for a cab.  I asked a bus driver where my hotel was and he said right behind me. It was literally 2 blocks away. Thank goodness! The hotel is awesome- not skeezy or gross. There was free WiFi and a pool. I asked where the beach was and it looked pretty far on the map but I didn't care. I was going to jump in the French sea before I left the country.

Even though the receptionist gave me a map and pointed out exactly how to get to the beach, I got lost. I ended up at Terminal 1 at the airport! I don't remember ever being taught how to read a map in high school, do you? Well, I need a class because it's so frustrating. I'm one of those people that need to stand on the map to figure out where I am!
So I walked, and walked and walked and finally-the ocean! How beautiful!
 It's all rocky but people still lay out on them. I was going to do it this time. I wasn't going to leave France without either going in the water or going topless. I did both. The water was spectacular! You have to go all the way in because the rocks make it too difficult to stand. I can't tell you the free feeling you get by doing something the French do everyday. It's nothing to them-they're just boobs! I loved it. I have a whole new feeling about nudity! I think we should do it all of the time!!

At this point I was really hungry. For a beach town, they really didn't have too many restaurants. They had some Brasserie's or snack shops but I really wanted to sit down and eat a meal. All I found was a local salad restaurant. That's all they serve is salad! The salad was 'ok' but the coffee was the best I've had.
I went back to the beach and watched some boys play a strange game of tag football.

The rest of the night I just relaxed, took a bath in the big tub and had my last glass of wine in France.

Overall, this trip would have been much more fun if I knew the language a little better and if I was just there to site see.. I would have felt much more relaxed if there was no agenda and we didn't have to deal with the rudeness and disorganization of the festival or the land of "no". Nice was my favorite or maybe Old Mougins... or maybe the villa...hmmm. hard decision!

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