Monday, January 12, 2009

Lesson learned twice

Craigslist can suck it. It's the white trash trailer park community service site that pulls in all the rif raff and I fell for it. I got this email this morning:

Dear Participant,

You have been selected for this upcoming cast pre-screening tomorrow. After reviewing your credits we believe you are good fit for a role in our upcoming motion picture. Please bring an extra copy of resume and head shot just in case we don’t have it already. No need for wardrobe dress is business casual.
Good luck

Where: 330 N. Coast HWY; Oceanside Library Heritage Hall
When: Monday 12th 2009 @ 5pm

Any questions Contact Persons below....

I was suspicious, as I should be, when a random audition notice comes in. I don't think I submitted to anything lately but when I looked back at my email, it seems I did submit for feature film. The thing about craigslist is they are always so vague and that should be your first sign. Well, to get a random email like the above had me curious. So I asked them to please email the details of the film. This is what they said:

"The only details i can give you without an NDA are, It's a 90min drama/suspense feature film, expected late quater release in theatres. if you are union industry rates apply. Filming will be on location in the San Diego area, and some other states. So this pre-screening for local talent, some consideration for major roles.
Thank you,"

There are so many things wrong w/this, it's insane. Why would a feature film that will be in theaters advertise on Craigslist? Why do you need to sign a 'non -disclosure form' just to get information on the movie premise? And why am I such a doofus that I still drove my little butt to Oceanside afterwork?
I got there and there was no sign in sheet. Just people waiting outside-waiting. 5:00 was the call time-the "cattle call" time. Everyone started showing up and no one knew what to do. Finally about 5:15 they come out w/the sign-in. We rush the hallway. They have a photo release form and it asks to sign all your photo rights away. But we still don't know what the project is! So I just kept mine w/no intention of signing.
Then...nothing. No one got in. We sat and waited, outside, in the cold. 5:22 the Monitor comes out and asks for everyone to hand in their headshots. Another sign. So much un-organization. 5:40 still no one called in. 5:45... 5:50.... 5:55 -I'm out. My body is saying it's dinner time and I could feel myself about to lose it.
All the people checking in at the desk were so unprofessional. The Monitor told one guy she needs his headshot and resume and he said "I'll be right back". He came back w/2 pieces of paper stapled together-one was his 4 credit resume, the other....oh boy....the other was a photo copy of a picture of him and his buddy. He went to the car, found a random picture, copied it and used it as a headshot.
During all this, a craigslister (which I regrettably was), befriended me. He wanted to know all about me. What do I do? How long have I been acting? He was nice enough, but at one point I said, they have me for 15 more minutes and I'm out. I just couldn't stand around anymore. And being the positive, willing participant that he was, he gave me some words of wisdom, "Why would you leave now? It would be like swimming the english channel halfway then turning back around because you were tired."
I said "Ya. True. Goodbye."

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