Sunday, May 6, 2007

A beautiful day

Brad married Cari on May 5, 2007. I have been friends with Cari for over 5 years. Since I met her there was no doubt it was going to be Brad she was going to marry. He was the one she talked about since the very first day. The wedding was held in my favorite part of San Diego, Balboa Park. It was a perfect day -as San Diego always is-the sun, the breeze, the flowers, even the tiny little ring barre rs made it up the aisle without a stumble. And I got through the ceremony with out a tear! The reception was held outside the park near the herbal garden. It was just enough food and wine and love from all of Cari and Brads' friends. And they have tons! The after party was held at Modus in Hillcrest. Such a trendy fun place to go and dance and eat. That was were the booties were shakin. I love the energy of a wedding. When you get all of your friends together in one place-the energy and the alcohol makes for a very friendly night!! The music made everyone dance and sing like they were American Idols. I believe at one point one of the cooky Accredited guys said "oh cool- stars". I was convinced he was crazy until I looked over at a group of guys smoking 'cigars'!! Stars/cigars-whatever-they were good. Oh and the drinks-puhlease! I am convinced Cari and Brad came up with the drink list the names were 'the ruby sipper', the 'orgasmo' ( I may have made that one up!) and the one I was drinking all night-'Foreplay'! Needless to say, my feet are absolutely aching from all the boogying!
All in all it was a lovely wedding. It goes without saying that Cari and Brad were meant for each other-they are exactly alike. In fact, all the couples there were the same as the other. I guess that's how you can tell you have the right person-if you look at them and they are your mirror. Here's to Cari and Brad! Good luck in the future!

PS-It took me all day to write this blog! Damn those 'foreplays'

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