Friday, August 21, 2009

A Handshake, a 'hey baby', and a peace sign-The Quentin Tarantino Experience

About a month ago I was in a commercial workshop and the casting director/teacher asked us all 'if you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why'? I said 'Quentin Tarantino because maybe we could have coffee and talk about his next film that I should be in'. So when I got an email last week from a friend saying he won the opportunity to meet QT, I knew where I was supposed to be. No coincidences.
My friend won a contest by killing the most nazis on some video game (I didn't ask for details!). What he won was a flight out to LA, a hotel, a pass to see the opening night screening of Inglorious Basterds, and a meet and greet w/QT. He asked me to go because...well...I'm not sure why but I jumped on the chance and preceded to tell every-single-person I saw that I was going to meet QT. Well, things don't always turn out like you hope and then sometimes they turn out even better.

My journey started out on a flight to LA on Thursday. This is me beginning my trip. Don't I look happy? Got on my short plane ride to LA and began the anticipation of meeting a director that I had just told the universe I would like to meet not to long ago. The company that was hosting this award, also provided a car service. So all I could think about was a guy at the airport holding a sign w/my name on it. And that's exactly how it happened.

This is my first driver (yep there are more).

Got to the Renaissance and had to race against time to get ready for our dinner reservations at Katsuya. (This is our view from the hotel. Recognize anything?)

We chose Katsuya for the whole touristy LA experience. If you watch TMZ you know the paparazzi hang out there and usually get a photo of some celeb just trying to eat their dinner, darnit! (Ya right. They go there to be photographed and so did we!) Reservations 7:30- don't be late or you may miss your expensive table. I got there early and started on the Saki. I couldn't go to a fancy restaurant w/my work clothes on so of course I had to doll myself up. I don't look very happy here but I am doing my best mysterious look!!
Dinner was delightful. I do suggest eating there for the LA experience. We got back to the hotel around 9 and drank some more wine and touched up. At 10:30 our driver was downstairs waiting to take us to the screening and to possibly meet QT. The anticipation was exciting but the journey was just as much a thrill. To the theater we go in the black Lincoln Towncar w/Bernard. I asked Bernard, if you had a chance to ask a celebrity a question, what would you ask them? He said "good question. I guess I would just compliment him on his work." Good advice Bernard. So here was the expectation of our adventure w/QT: QT does a signing at Amoeba Records and after that signing we go to meet him at an undisclosed location for a quick photo and maybe a high five.
Here is the reality of our adventure w/QT: QT did a signing but ran an hour late. He rushed outside Amoeba w/about 4 body guards and went directly into this restaurant where we proceeded to stalk for the next hour. The guy was hungry. Who could blame him? Leave him alone for pete's sake! But curiosity got the better of me and I "had to use the restroom". I walked into BOHO and got a long straight arm from a man that looked like he was in the secret service. He was blocking a table and my route to the bathroom. "Where you going?" he demanded. I told him I needed to use the restroom and he let me pass, talked into his sleeve, and went back to his position. Who knew Quentin worked for the government?!!!

We waited outside for a good hour. The movie was supposed to start at 12:15 am and it was getting late. Our contact finally came out to meet us to "take us back to meet QT" -not so much. He gave us our movie tickets and sent us on our way. Urrrg??? That's it? All the anticipation, hopes, dreams of meeting my next director- gone? No photo op? No high five? wahh waahhh waahh... deflated.

But I didn't give up. I wasn't just about to go in the theater and miss any QT sitings. So we waited. And waited. And FINALLY the secret service escorted him out of BOHO to the theater. They were walking so fast in such a tight group I felt like the President was in the middle. I stood on the sidelines, got my camera ready. (BTW: This is where I begin to hate digital cameras. I already hated them before but now I hate their guts. Why don't they adjust to the light? Why don't they just take the picture when you press down? HOW HARD IS IT?!!!)

When QT walked by me, he gave me the peace sign because he saw what he thought was a camera that would WORK when Quentin Tarantino walks by and gives it the peace sign!!!! Nope. When it did finally click, I got someones back. While this was happening my friend was by QTs side and got a semi handshake....kinda like a, 'how's it going man' thing that guys do.

In the theater we it to catch up to QT and get a well-lit photo. He went in on one side of the theater and we walked around the other side. The side that our seats were on was where QT was standing. This is the only usable photo I got of him. What is he the Loch ness Monster?

I walked up the aisle and saw QT standing there. My first thought was to put my hand out and touch his shoulder but that is really overstepping my boundaries! So I waved at him and he said "hey baby".

The next morning, I asked my friend, "Did you see me wave to Quentin?" He said "Yes. And the funny part about it is you waved at him w/your hand in front of your face kind of like a 5 year old waving to Santa Clause for the first time."!

We didn't get to bed until 4 am and only got about 3 hours sleep. I told my last driver that took me to the airport that I was going to sleep all day today. He said "You can't do that. That is a waste of a day." My driver told me not to sleep so if some of this makes zero sense or there are horrendous spelling errors, you can blame him!

This photo was of QT giving his opening speech. Nice of him to wear a neon hat!