Monday, September 29, 2008

2 Sides

My mom used to take me to shows when I was little and at the end of the evening, someone would hand the leading lady a dozen roses from the audience. In fact, people would throw flowers up to her. And they would clap and stand and cheer for her. I thought, I want that. When I decided to take up acting, it was basically to get out of the house and do something. I had no idea how much I would enjoy the kudos I received after the job was done.
During the day I work in an office cubicle. I am pleasant to my coworkers. I eat breakfast at 10 and lunch at 1- a salad everyday. Everyday someone blows their nose and everyday at least 2 people sneeze. And in the office I say 'god bless you' and 'did you have a good weekend' , but I never mention acting.
The difference between 'day Cristyn' and 'night Cristyn' is huge.
So many people ask me why are there 2 sides to me? How can I be on stage open to the world and be a performer yet be so shy about it during the day? Maybe one of the sides is the real Cristyn.