Thursday, July 19, 2007


The photo shoot yesterday was so hard. We had to sit around a coffin in a cemetery and get our picture taken while we cry. The little 12-year old started balling right when he said go. The other 2 were crying as well...accept eyes just watered. No tears. Dammit- they had to pull out the Visene. How embarrassing! Then finally it was just me and the little girl and the photog said "ok Cristyn give it all you got" So I started pounding on the coffin screaming bloody murder and balling my little eyes out! Screaming "What am I supposed to do?" Balling balling balling. Jesus I didn't know if I was going to stop. Then the little girl turned to me afterwards, after all the tears were dried, and said 'wow you have some anger issues'!!!! Ya think?? That was the hardest photo shoot I ever had to do. Its hard to be vulnerable but it helped me realize what was missing in my acting. These shots are really going to be on billboards around town as part of the Gun Violence Public Service Announcement.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A plethora of fun

Hiyo Silver! I don't know why I have that theme music in my head. Maybe because things are moving full speed until I get on the plane to visit me mum. I had an interview last week with the project manager of the San Diego Film Festival. They are looking for an assistant project coordinator to volunteer their time. That's me. It was a fun relaxed interview and I didn't have to lie about why I wanted the job. I want to get on the 'inside' of course! Well they called and I am hired-woo hoo!
Yesterday I did a promotional video for Glorietta Bay Inn Hotel. Its one of those cheesy look how great our hotel is videos. But so fun! I mean how many people do you know get to play the pool and the ocean for a couple of hours and get paid?! I can sooo do that job full time!
Tonight is the PSA for gun violence. I play a mother/wife that just lost her husband. I will be crying at his funeral. I may be making this up but I think they said something about putting the advertisement on bus stops? Maybe I dreamed that who knows!
The next thing I mentioned a while ago was the webisode. Thats finally happening this Sunday. Its just a small walk on part with a big punch. Kissing a girl. You heard me! Interesting. Well you want to play with the big boys you got to do what the big boys do!!

Oh and oh my gosh I almost forgot-the musical of course! The 48 hour festival kept me very busy this weekend. Joined the crew on Friday night and it was full speed ahead from then on. We did a 7 minute musical: "Lucky Numbers: A Musical". So much dang fun. If I didn't have to run off I'd tell you all about it but- there it is.